Testimonial Lot 50+; manager with a lot of traveling and 2 children

The starter package with 12 lessons is finished and I look back with great joy and satisfaction on this experience that is certainly not over for me!

Ci 6 weeks ago I decided that things had to change drastically. Due to work with a lot of travel, family and commuting, I no longer got around to my personal health at all, with all the ensuing consequences including a lot of headaches and about 8 kg extra compared to about 10 years ago.

I was looking for a hefty “big stick”, but one with a lot of flexibility with regard to scheduling training in connection with my complex logistics life. Iboya turned out to be the perfect match …

It started with adjusting eating patterns: don’t skip breakfast or something with a lot of sugar, but oatmeal with lettuce, making healthy choices during company trips and flying flights, etc. I’m not quite on the perfect “super smoothy tour” yet, but enormous progress has been made; very little sugar and a lot more vegetables than I was used to. And of course, as many balanced choices in the vegetables as possible to support and optimize all organs such as liver, intestines and hormones.

Hhe train. Thanks to Iboya’s flexibility, she was able to train twice a week (preferably at her home, but otherwise in the gym in South).

I have to come from far (in terms of strength, balance, core stability, etc.). Especially the Core training requires a lot of discipline and I try to practice at home and in hotel rooms as much as possible. Practicing that myself is still pretty difficult: when I practice myself everything seems to go pretty well. but then during the training I find out again that a training is only effective when the details are right. I’m going to persevere for a while and now have a modest range of balance balls, some weights, etc.

What’s great is that there are many exercises that can be performed in a hotel room, even if you only have 10 minutes. No more reason for excuses!

De meditation I still find it difficult. I need spoken text to be able to close myself off and therefore used Iboya’s sitting meditation, but I need a little more experience to be able to do this myself.

De first results after 12 lessons: I am almost 4 kg lighter. That goes slowly but steadily, a few hundred grams a week. During the training sessions I seem to get stronger every time. Exercises keep getting better. And sometimes I find myself believing I see contours of long-lost muscles in arms, legs and stomach…. this calls for more ……

That’s why I like to continue, as much as possible twice a week at Iboya, and try a detox after the summer holidays. Exciting, but I am not yet at the “maintenance level”, so I continue to train with Iboya, who is so very patient, always goes one step further without feeling embarrassed while she keeps stimulating me to get stronger.

In short, Iboya: a great trainer, a perfect program for me and a very honest woman !!